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A Coast for All Seasons: A Naturalist's Guide to the Coast of South Carolina
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Date Added: Thursday 26 June, 2008
by Rudy Mancke
What a wonderful book on coastal geology - written in a style that everyone can understand. It is a perfect mix of photographs, diagrams, and clear explanations. Best book on this subject I have ever seen anywhere!
[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Southern AK Coast - PowerPoint Figures w/captions (download here)
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4 x
A Coast Beyond Compare: Coastal Geology and Ecology of Southern Alaska
12 x
A Coast for All Seasons: A Naturalist's Guide to the Coast of South Carolina
8 x
A Coast to Explore: Coastal Geology and Ecology of Central California
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Coasts of the World - A Photographic Tour (download here)
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A Tide-Swept Coast: Coastal Geology and Ecology of Georgia
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OR/WA Coast - PowerPoint Figures/w Captions (download here)
1 x
GA Coast - PowerPoint Figures w/captions (download here)
2 x
Southern AK Coast - PowerPoint Figures w/captions (download here)
2 x
Central CA Coast - PowerPoint Figures w/captions (download here)
2 x
A Coast of Scenic Wonders: Coastal Geology and Ecology - Outer Coast of Oregon and Washington
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Suzanne's Lament
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Coastal Heroes
1 x
SC Coast - PowerPoint Figures w/captions (download here)
What a wonderful book on coastal geology - written in a styl ..
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