At this time, we are pleased to announce the publication of A COAST OF SCENIC WONDERS: COASTAL GEOLOGY AND ECOLOGY OF OREGON AND WASHINGTON AND THE STRAIT OF JUAN DE FUCA, by Miles O. Hayes and Jacqueline Michel, two prominent coastal geologists. They share their discovery and fascination of these coasts through engaging prose, richly illustrated original diagrams, photographs, and satellite imagery that paints a complete picture of a complex topic smoothly distilled from scientific literature and personal observations.
This fifth book in our series of books on the coastal geology and ecology for coastal states in the USA is currently available here. It will be distributed by the University of Alaska Press starting in January 2020.
Pandion Books also has available for sale copies of BLACK TIDES, author Miles O. Hayes' engrossing stories of responding to most of the recent, headline-grabbing oil spills, notably the EXXON VALDEZ, the AMOCO CADIZ spill in France, and the IXTOC I blowout in the Gulf of Mexico, as well as the Gulf War oil spill in Saudi Arabia, the largest oil spill in history.