
Southern AK Coast - PowerPoint Figures w/captions (download here)

Southern AK Coast - PowerPoint Figures w/captions (download here)
This PowerPoint file will help you explore the origins of coastal features such as wave-cut rock cliffs, sea stacks, wave-cut rock platforms, and the amazing array of beaches, deltas, and tidal flats. It explains the processes that create the diverse coastal landforms that have enthralled both residents and visitors from around the World, including ice fields, glaciers, volcanoes, and earthquakes.

Two coastal geologists, who have over five decades of experience conducting scientific research on the Alaska Coast, tell their story of discovery and fascination with the Southern Alaska Coast through richly illustrated original diagrams, photographs, satellite imagery, and engaging conversation. They have distilled the extensive scientific literature for this complex area into clear, readable text and graphics that explain the geological history of the coast, first in general, then later through detailed discussion of the geology and ecology of eleven coastal compartments starting at the Canadian border in Southeast Alaska, and ending at Cape Constantine in Bristol Bay.

This is a PowerPoint file (276 MB) of the original diagrams, aerial photographs, and satellite imagery of the book that paints a truly complete picture of a complex topic rarely so smoothly distilled from the scientific literature.

To view the book's Table of Contents and List of Figures Click Here

To download this presentation CLICK HERE

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